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SCF Daily Blog - 24th March
Mar 24, 2020
We will be adding to our blog every day to keep you all updated with our daily activities and to let you know that we are still here for our visitors, supporters, volunteers, and friends!
Look what we've been up to today!
Helen Baxter
I was awake early this morning, keen to make the most of my first day working from home. I am still trying to stick to my normal routine, getting up at 6.00am - listening to the news and grinding coffee beans for that first hot drink of the day! It was a strange feeling knowing that I wasn't going into the office, but I had a busy day planned with phone calls, emails and of course setting up this blog! It was great to catch up with my colleagues on a video call, sharing ideas and keeping everyone updated. My internet connection had a few bumpy moments, running slow, especially at 9.00am when my entire street of home workers all started logging on, checking emails and contacting family and friends! A different day for me tomorrow - which I look forward to sharing with you all!
Louise Moore
S made us all omelettes for lunch (had to kerb my mummy tones as egg was freely sloshed all over the kitchen!). Then the girls played in the garden while I managed to peg out the washing in the sunshine (a very welcome sign of spring!)
This afternoon the girls made a rainbow to display in our front window, all the local school children are doing this to create rainbow trails for people walking by. Why don’t you put one in your window, it doesn’t have to be painted it could be collage, felt, tapestry, old bits of recycling ... the possibilities are endless! See how many you spot on your stroll around the block.
The girls then donned their helmets and we cycled/roller bladed around the block before heading home to make meatballs & pasta for tea. By the time my husband arrived home I was more than ready to hand over the reins and pour myself a large glass of wine!... cheers! ... stay safe everyone!

This evening I’ve been on a beautiful walk with my 2 Labrador’s Toby and Lexa. I watched the sunset and had some peaceful reflection time with my favourite songs on. I found it’s really uplifted my mood doing this! I’ve made homemade burgers and sweet potato fries with my husband and it was actually so nice to spend time together cooking which we don’t normally do. My husband normally goes to a gaming club on a Tuesday evening and he’s now doing this virtually - there really are ways around everything!!!!
Hope everyone is keeping as well as can be and staying safe!!!

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