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SCF Daily Blog - Wednesday 6th May
May 06, 2020
Hi all,
I hope you are keeping safe and well. In the Moore household today, preparations are well underway for our V E Day celebrations on Friday. To mark the 75th anniversary of V E Day, the girls have sent invitations to our neighbours with an itinerary for the day:
Hello neighbours,
As part of our home schooling we have been learning about WW2 and V E day. This year is the 75th anniversary of VE day and we would love to celebrate with you.
Because of coronavirus we all have to stay at home, but we can still celebrate together, this is our itinerary for the days celebrations we would love it if you could join us for a tea party in your front garden.
11.00am A 2-minute silence on our doorsteps to remember all those who lost their lives in the war.
1.00 - 2.00pm Tea party on our front gardens/driveways (you can decorate with bunting if you have any)
2.45pm Winston Churchill's victory speech broadcast on BBC 1
9.00pm (If we’re still awake) The Queen will speak to the nation live on BBC 1
Followed by a street sing along of We’ll Meet Again led by Dame Vera Lynn
At the very least this will explain why we are having a tea party on our front lawn, but hopefully some people will join us. The girls have been busy making bunting, medals and decorations and on Friday they will be dressing up as evacuees for the day, would be great if you could join in too and invite your neighbours, don't forget to send us some pictures of your celebrations.
This week was the launch of our weekly quiz and, despite my initial nerves, it was really good fun! it was lovely to speak to everyone again, next week (Monday 11th May) we will have an animal theme to the quiz, it would be great if you could join us Live on YouTube at 7pm.
That's it for now, stay safe xx
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