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Model Railway, 1930s Great Western Railway, Leicester model railway. Leicestershire model railway Ulverscroft model railway (1)
Yew Trail (1)
Wellbeing, Mental Health, Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Mindfulness (1)
miniature railway, 38ft model railway (1)
fundraising (3)
Model Railway, 1930s Great Western Railway, Leicester model railway. Leicestershire model railway Ulverscroft model railway (1)
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Model Railway, 1930s Great Western Railway, Leicester model railway. Leicestershire model railway Ulverscroft model railwayfundraisingYew Trailminiature railway, 38ft model railwayMindfulnessWellbeing, Mental Health, Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Mindfulness
SCF Daily Blog - Tuesday 28th April
Apr 29, 2020
Hi Guys,
How's it going? Since staying at home more, I have noticed the amazing amount of birds that have visited our garden. My 8 year old daughter has a small kids bird watching book, which I find myself dipping into more and more. We have now made bird feeders and a bird bath to try to encourage their visits.
So far we have spotted:
Blue tit
Great tit
Can you add to the list???
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