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Volunteer Recruitment Afternoon 2.00pm - 5.00pm - Monday 19th February
Jan 29, 2018
As a registered charity the Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation relies on its volunteer support and is currently looking for more volunteers to offer support, care and friendship to a wide variety of people.
The Foundation will be hosting a drop in recruitment drive on:-
Monday 19th February from 2.00pm - 5.00pm at Ulverscroft Activity Centre, Priory Lane, Ulverscroft, Leicestershire, LE67 9PH.
Rachel Lowe, Volunteer Coordinator at the Foundation, said “we are fortunate to have a wonderful team of volunteers, and without them we would not be able to continue the work that we do; but as the Foundation continues to grow and develop the services it provides, the need for volunteers continues to increase.” She added “The Foundation has many volunteering opportunities and I would be delighted to hear from you to discuss ways in which you can become involved’
For more information regarding volunteering and the work of the Foundation drop in on Monday 19th February or call Rachel Lowe on 01530 244914