Model Railway - Open Wednesdays* & Fridays
10am to 3pm*
Our amazing model railway was the brain child of our founder the late David Clarke. Construction of the railway was started in 1977, having been initially situated in a factory drawing office in Mountsorrel. It was designed from the outset to be a technical exercise in the operation of points and signals based upon the Great Western Railway of the 1930's. Both colour light and semaphore signals are represented as realistically as possible, including signals and points operated by mechanical interlocked levers and track circuiting in a near prototypical manner. It first operated successfully from about 1983.
To visit is free and free parking. A donation is greatly appreciated.
*Subject to volunteer availability. Wednesday opening Easter to Christmas only.

Our Model Railway is open to the public
Open Wednesdays (Easter to Christmas only) and Fridays
10am to 3pm*
*subject to Volunteer availability.
If you are travelling far and making a special trip, please give us a call.
Shortly after forming the charity in 1989 the model railway was taken apart and moved to its present location, becoming one of the Foundation's assets. The layout, built to a scale of 4mm to 1ft, was originally 30ft by 16ft 6". It has been radio controlled from the outset with radio gear fitted along with batteries in the rolling stock behind each locomotive. This, in itself, is quite a unique feature especially for the time of its inception.
During the move to Ulverscroft the layout was extended to a length of 38ft, with new junctions and loops. the 210 lever signal box was changed to incorporate the operation of these additions. It took ten years to put the layout back together to be able to operate it again!
At the same time the radio gear was changed to incorporate digital speed controllers designed for larger scales. The layout has been successfully operated since that time by a small team of volunteers, who meet every week to maintain and operate it. Many of the mechanisms that operate the points and signals are original and can be temperamental; however there is a programme underway for these to be replaced and modernised - a task which due to the size and complexity of the layout will take some years and considerable expense to achieve.
The model railway is self-financing, volunteers pay for all expenses incurred and groups of enthusiasts (and other interested parties) visit the railway to see it in operation in exchange for a donation.
Tuesday evening special visits.
In addition to our Wednesday and Friday daytime opening, the railway can be visited by appointment, and operated for visitors on the third Tuesday evening of each month.
Pre-booking is essential please call 01530 244914 (select option 1 for Ulverscroft Grange).
For those joining us on the Tuesday evening, please note the entrance is via our usual exit route. (Indicated on the map below)
Alice Wright has kindly written an editorial for the Leicestershire Press, Please visit the link to read more.
We are located behind the Ulverscroft Grange Tearooms.
Ulverscroft Grange, Whitwick Rd, Copt Oak, Markfield LE67 9QB
What3Words: ducks.sunbeam.promise