Volunteering at the Foundation
Volunteers are the life blood of the Foundation, with over 100 dedicated volunteers supporting the core activities of the Foundation.
There are so many opportunities to get involved in a wealth of wonderful things, both at our Ulverscroft Manor and Ulverscroft Grange site.
We treasure our volunteers here at Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation and we know being part of our 'family' is a wonderous thing to be. Creating a real sense of belonging and community. We are delighted to say, that we have many volunteers who have gifted us their time for many many years.
Thank you to all of our volunteers
If you would like to get involved please click the link below to see our current volunteer vacancies.
Volunteer opportunities, click the here
Current Opportunities
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Based at Ulverscroft Grange, the Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation runs a Community Allotment project for young people with disabilities. Volunteers are required to assist with aiding the young people and maintaining the allotments in their absence.
Ulverscroft Manor entertains pre-booked groups of the elderly and adults with disabilities on a daily basis Monday- Wednesday and volunteers are required to assist the cook with preparing vegetables, serving lunches and washing up. This role also includes talking to and befriending our visitors, running a small sales table and selling raffle tickets for the daily draw.
Based at Ulverscroft Manor, the Foundation runs a series of Drop In Support Days on Thursdays for people who have a disability or illness, carers or who are socially isolated. Volunteers are required to assist with the serving of drinks and interacting with the visitors. There is also an opportunity for volunteers to become involved in running a Boccia session or other games.
The Foundation boasts two fabulous charity shops which stock a wide range of quality pre loved goods and items. Volunteers will be required to undertake a variety of tasks including, sorting and pricing of incoming items. General tidying duties and basic retail focused task. If you enjoy meeting and greeting the general public and working as part of a team, this may be the role for you!
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact us on 01530 244914 or complete the online Expression of Interest form by clicking the link below.
Volunteer Expression of Interest